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Does masturbation cause pimples

Is it true Masturbation can Causes Acne? What is it masturbation? Masturbation is sexual stimulation of the genital organs deliberately done to gain pleasure and sexual satisfaction. This stimulation can be done by using hands or something tool, or combination both of them. Masturbation is a form autoerotisisme most common, although it can also be done with the help of (the) others.

Medically, is one form of sexual behavior which somebody wanted to release sexual tension by stimulating themselves sensitive areas on the body including sex organs with the aim to achieve sexual satisfaction or orgasm. This behavior is usually done by somebody who entered puberty because at the time it was active sex hormones (estrogen - progesterone), who plays a person's sexual function.

The existence of stimuli (visual, verbal, touch, aroma, audio) that can not be controlled  in well or comes on suddenly is one of the reasons somebody doing masturbate to relieve his sexual tension. Masturbation behavior typically using a finger even 'tools' that provide stimulation to the desired spot.

In medical, masturbation behavior takes elements of hygiene and healthy, positively it's okay to do this, as means the adult woman can know or learn where lies the sexually sensitive in the body, then when entered the marriage period and marital relationship can make it easier to get stimulus

Masturbation cause acne is one myths about acne that has believed since a long time ago. But that is completely untrue, masturbation doesn't cause acne. Although the sex hormone testosterone is a major cause of acne, but engage in sexual activity doesn't give any effect to inflict acne.

Acne absolutely doesn't related to masturbation which has been described by About.com. Is myth more believed because acne first appears during puberty. Puberty will appear in the same time when sexual life and sexual feelings began to emerge. But even both may appear at the same time, acne and sexual life are not mutually influential.

Acne appear because the hormonal changes that occur in the body during puberty. Mostly teens experience acne and even some adults are still breakouts. In addition to masturbation myth, there are other several myths about acne is still widely believed by many people as reported Health24

Here are the negative effects of masturbation (Male - Male)

bring out addiction to do it again and again. And this is your time-consuming.

Weaken the genitals as means of sexual intercourse, and little by little your genitals will become weaker (limp). probably due masturbate is wrong way to release sexual desire. should it must be released through sex with a legitimate wife

Masturbation cause gland of the brain becomes weak, so power thinking becomes less and less, the resistance decreases, and memory become weakened.

heart feeling getting bad mood and being weak because remove sperm in unnecessary way. That led be irritable or same.

Body felt weak, because masturbate burn many calorie, as we know the sperm full with calorie

always feel sleepy and will more sleep

Masturbation also can cause premature ejaculation.

Masturbation is big influence for healty even our lives. Once you know many bad effects of masturbation and you are still interested to do it, so more better you read article  about"how to masturbate safely and correctly"